Welcome to "Hope Does Not Disappoint"

There are two key reasons I have finally decided to join the world of blogging:

First, my cancer has become active and there is a loving congregation and many family & friends who want to keep track of what is taking place. This provides a way for me to update them as often and with as much detail as they desire.

Second, the Lord often links Scripture with circumstances in life for a much more potent 1 - 2 punch. I have already found that to be true and I hope to share some of those lessons for those who are interested.

So almost every entry in this blog will have two parts to it: Body (what's happening physically with the treatments) and Spirit (what God is sharing as I open His Word).

Thanks for visiting. I hope some of the "Points Along The Road" in my journey are helpful and encouraging to you.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Called And Known

Body: The support, love and encouragement that my family and I have received just in the last week have been so great...and so greatly needed. Cards, emails, calls, "goodies", special gestures of support (see picture of Mike & Jan with me last Sunday...blew me away), Bible verses, and assurances of prayer have been such a great blessing. Thanks so very much!!

As I write on Sunday afternoon, I am finally starting to feel pretty good. The week has been a series of steps from Monday on and we are getting to a place where it's feeling like "normal." Admittedly, this cold was a real struggle, but with blood counts rising (that's what they say should be happening in my body), I think the "good guys" are really winning. Hopefully I'll be able to let you know on Tuesday that another round of treatment is "in the rearview mirror." Thanks for praying.

Spirit: Jeremiah 1:5, 10 "Called And Known"

I have always loved Jeremiah's call from the Lord. It is so personal ("before I formed you I knew you"), specific, intentional ("before you were born I set you apart") and significant ("I appointed you as a prophet to the nations"). God's hand is on Jeremiah for a great work and nations will be impacted by his efforts. What an incredible "base" to establish before all the struggles of ministry occur. I'm sure he came back to that call often in life, especially when things were difficult.

The application I've always focused on was God's call on my life and others' lives being just as personal, specific, intentional and significant. But it's the "significant" part that needs some expansion and adjustment in my heart. What I think significant and what God thinks may be two different things at times. Am I content with His definition? Am I content with my "significance" being "in the shadow" of someone else or another ministry that is bigger and accomplishing more? Am I willing to be a small player on God's stage -- a "no name" part of the troupe -- or do I need a star role? Is it only "significant" if it is "great" in my mind? Will I give my best to the part, however large or small it is...because of Who extended the call? Is the call's significance based on WHAT it is or WHO has called?

This cancer is part of the role God has called me to play. It brings me low. It limits my activity and service. I don't like it. It's also the role He has assigned me in His foreknowledge and wisdom. I will play this role with joy in the shadows. Being low is important to His plan too.

"Lord, I embrace the role You've assigned me with joy because YOU assign it...and You know what is best...for YOUR glory alone. Large or small, long or short, named or unknown, I am called by You and I will serve wholeheartedly. In Jesus' name, Amen."

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