Body: I came down "hard" from the meds yesterday. It is amazing what those little pills can do to your body and outlook, if you aren't prepared for it. Today was a "blood levels" day, so I spent the morning at Yale. Gratefully, the levels weren't too low. This is the day when levels are supposed to be at their lowest and after the last treatment, the levels were "through the floor." But not this time...and I know why! Thanks for praying. By God's grace we're holding our own...a few side effects, but doing well.
Spirit: "His Rightful Due" Jeremiah 10:7
Have you ever "gotten what's coming to you?" That can be in a bad sense - usually - or in a good sense. Phil Michelson "got what's coming to him" recently when he won The Masters golf tournament. He received a green jacket and a wheelbarrow full of money. But Bernie Madoff also "got what was coming to him" and he'll be in jail for the rest of his life.
What does God "have coming to Him?" Verse 7 says that what He is due is reverence because He is King of the nations. This brings up an interesting point because people (and God) often don't get "what's coming to them" least for now. Justice and recognition of heart effort and truth often are misjudged, overlooked, under appreciated or ignored. Many of us are counting on God to set all this right in eternity for ourselves. When does He get what is due Him? Does He have to wait for eternity? Wouldn't it be great if He got some of what He deserved now?
That's the high calling of the believer: to give to God the honor, glory, reverence, love, devotion and praise that is due Him. Even our best shot will fall far short, but it's a start. It's a foretaste of what will one day fully be disclosed.
The King getting what is due Him will be the theme of heaven. What a privilege to be part of the precursor - to get a head start on that wonderful privilege. So I have a choice this day and every day, no matter what circumstances or struggles I face -- to give the praise that is due Him. To have that insight early, and do something about it; that is living well!!
"Lord, You are the King of all the earth. I sing to you willingly and joyfully today in all I do. You are worthy!!"
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Exchange
Body: It has been a week since my last post because there was nothing new to report. I couldn't have chemo due to a cold that just kept hanging on. However, today, it was cleared up, blood work was fine and I sat in the chair and received the treatment. It is amazing how grateful I was to be able to receive it...when we all know I'd rather not have to have it! The Lord is so good. I may have more to report later this week...
Spirit: Jeremiah 2:11-13 "The Exchange"
In Jeremiah's first recorded word of prophecy to Israel we see a powerful apologetic in God's defense as a wake up call to Israel and as an explanation about why they experience what they presently do. Wave after wave of God's logic breaks on the beach. Each is clear, compelling and marked by God's love and Israel's guilt. None is more stark than Jer. 2:11-13. Here God compares the nations around them to Israel. These nations are totally loyal to their gods, even though their gods are not God and do them no good. The nations' loyalty is admirable. Israel has the REAL God but they are not loyal to Him; they exchange Him for worthless gods.
Jeremiah uses the phrase "their Glory" to describe God. What a phrase: what sets them apart; what made them who they are; the One Who makes them stand out and unique; without which they would be ordinary. It is this One that they "trade in." They exchange the Spectacular for the ordinary.
That's who the Lord is for me....and for any Christian. Without Him, we are nothing. He's what makes our lives worth noticing. He's what makes us stand out in a crowd. He has given us all we have. He IS our identity! Now the key questions: Are those statements true in my life? Is He my glory -- the One who draws people to me; makes me stand out? Not sure but that I'm a lot like Israel at times. Dumb exchange, huh? What do I want people to notice: Me (capitalized on purpose -- false worship of self) or God?
"Lord, forgive me for so often exchanging my real Glory -- You -- for an idol -- Me. Please be my Glory always and help me remember that You are far more Spectacular than ordinary me. May people see You clearly. Amen."
Spirit: Jeremiah 2:11-13 "The Exchange"
In Jeremiah's first recorded word of prophecy to Israel we see a powerful apologetic in God's defense as a wake up call to Israel and as an explanation about why they experience what they presently do. Wave after wave of God's logic breaks on the beach. Each is clear, compelling and marked by God's love and Israel's guilt. None is more stark than Jer. 2:11-13. Here God compares the nations around them to Israel. These nations are totally loyal to their gods, even though their gods are not God and do them no good. The nations' loyalty is admirable. Israel has the REAL God but they are not loyal to Him; they exchange Him for worthless gods.
Jeremiah uses the phrase "their Glory" to describe God. What a phrase: what sets them apart; what made them who they are; the One Who makes them stand out and unique; without which they would be ordinary. It is this One that they "trade in." They exchange the Spectacular for the ordinary.
That's who the Lord is for me....and for any Christian. Without Him, we are nothing. He's what makes our lives worth noticing. He's what makes us stand out in a crowd. He has given us all we have. He IS our identity! Now the key questions: Are those statements true in my life? Is He my glory -- the One who draws people to me; makes me stand out? Not sure but that I'm a lot like Israel at times. Dumb exchange, huh? What do I want people to notice: Me (capitalized on purpose -- false worship of self) or God?
"Lord, forgive me for so often exchanging my real Glory -- You -- for an idol -- Me. Please be my Glory always and help me remember that You are far more Spectacular than ordinary me. May people see You clearly. Amen."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
God's Trump Card
Body: Well, today was supposed to be the day I received my third chemo treatment. (How is that for letting you know things didn't go "according to plan"?) I arrived on time; had blood drawn; the levels were all great; got into the chair; got the saline IV started (on the 3rd try); and then (2 hrs. of saline later), they looked closely at the test they took last Tuesday...and listened to my lungs...and decided that the cold I had been fighting was still hanging around too strongly for them to proceed. A very disappointing morning...but the Lord's will be done.
I'm now being scheduled for a "port" in the near future and I'm set for chemo next Tuesday. Thanks for praying that this cold dissipates and that next week is a "go"!
Spirit: Jeremiah 5:31 "God's Trump Card"
It is amazing to watch men in their intrigues. With great effort and calculated moves, man places the chess pieces, knocking off rivals, pushing past the competition, enjoying alliances, making deals and getting himself to a place where he feels he is "king." For some, the process works better than for others. What is truly amazing though, is that these same crafty, calculating, resourceful, brilliant strategists miss the most obvious fact of all: you are going to die someday...then what?
This is the summary statement of Jeremiah 5:31. The people love the false prophets and the selfish priests. It's a system they know and have learned to use to good advantage. They are comfortable and content. But then come God's haunting words: "But what will you do in the end?"
Everything is set for life continuing on as it always has. They have taken into account all facets of the system. It is working to their benefit. Let it continue on forever. BUT IT WON'T!
How often are we that same way - even as believers? Living for the moment and this tangible world; forgetting, even momentarily, that eternity is the real deal. How obvious the application to my life today!
"Lord, may I live this day with this phrase in mind and may the choices of this day reflect eternity's importance and reality to me. Amen."
I'm now being scheduled for a "port" in the near future and I'm set for chemo next Tuesday. Thanks for praying that this cold dissipates and that next week is a "go"!
Spirit: Jeremiah 5:31 "God's Trump Card"
It is amazing to watch men in their intrigues. With great effort and calculated moves, man places the chess pieces, knocking off rivals, pushing past the competition, enjoying alliances, making deals and getting himself to a place where he feels he is "king." For some, the process works better than for others. What is truly amazing though, is that these same crafty, calculating, resourceful, brilliant strategists miss the most obvious fact of all: you are going to die someday...then what?
This is the summary statement of Jeremiah 5:31. The people love the false prophets and the selfish priests. It's a system they know and have learned to use to good advantage. They are comfortable and content. But then come God's haunting words: "But what will you do in the end?"
Everything is set for life continuing on as it always has. They have taken into account all facets of the system. It is working to their benefit. Let it continue on forever. BUT IT WON'T!
How often are we that same way - even as believers? Living for the moment and this tangible world; forgetting, even momentarily, that eternity is the real deal. How obvious the application to my life today!
"Lord, may I live this day with this phrase in mind and may the choices of this day reflect eternity's importance and reality to me. Amen."
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Called And Known
Body: The support, love and encouragement that my family and I have received just in the last week have been so great...and so greatly needed. Cards, emails, calls, "goodies", special gestures of support (see picture of Mike & Jan with me last Sunday...blew me away), Bible verses, and assurances of prayer have been such a great blessing. Thanks so very much!!
As I write on Sunday afternoon, I am finally starting to feel pretty good. The week has been a series of steps from Monday on and we are getting to a place where it's feeling like "normal." Admittedly, this cold was a real struggle, but with blood counts rising (that's what they say should be happening in my body), I think the "good guys" are really winning. Hopefully I'll be able to let you know on Tuesday that another round of treatment is "in the rearview mirror." Thanks for praying.
Spirit: Jeremiah 1:5, 10 "Called And Known"
I have always loved Jeremiah's call from the Lord. It is so personal ("before I formed you I knew you"), specific, intentional ("before you were born I set you apart") and significant ("I appointed you as a prophet to the nations"). God's hand is on Jeremiah for a great work and nations will be impacted by his efforts. What an incredible "base" to establish before all the struggles of ministry occur. I'm sure he came back to that call often in life, especially when things were difficult.
The application I've always focused on was God's call on my life and others' lives being just as personal, specific, intentional and significant. But it's the "significant" part that needs some expansion and adjustment in my heart. What I think significant and what God thinks may be two different things at times. Am I content with His definition? Am I content with my "significance" being "in the shadow" of someone else or another ministry that is bigger and accomplishing more? Am I willing to be a small player on God's stage -- a "no name" part of the troupe -- or do I need a star role? Is it only "significant" if it is "great" in my mind? Will I give my best to the part, however large or small it is...because of Who extended the call? Is the call's significance based on WHAT it is or WHO has called?
This cancer is part of the role God has called me to play. It brings me low. It limits my activity and service. I don't like it. It's also the role He has assigned me in His foreknowledge and wisdom. I will play this role with joy in the shadows. Being low is important to His plan too.
"Lord, I embrace the role You've assigned me with joy because YOU assign it...and You know what is best...for YOUR glory alone. Large or small, long or short, named or unknown, I am called by You and I will serve wholeheartedly. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
All That Matters
Body: It is Wednesday and what a week it has been. Easter was an incredible day and I was so very blessed. Maybe it was the energy drain of Sunday, or the cold that I contracted, or the "come down" from the steroids, but whatever the reason(s) I learned the true meaning on Monday of "hitting the wall." WOW! I was basically good for nothing...what a whipped puppy. I found out on Tuesday that my white cells had tanked due to the last treatment. The nurse wasn't surprised I was "washed out."
Thankfully, the energy level is improving and the cold has not become too serious and hasn't resulted in a fever. I'm hopeful that my energy level will be stronger as we come to the weekend.
Spirit: Isaiah 66:2b "All That Matters"
Our God is a big God. He possesses all that is and deserves the very best. Many in Israel had gotten caught up in the greatness of the sacrifices and the pomp and circumstance of the Law. Certainly commendable, but worthless without the prerequisite condition which is identified in vs 2. Who does God hold in high regard and love? Who gets His attention? Who touches God's heart and brings Him joy? It isn't the one who gets all the details of the sacrifices right and the rest of the externals correct. Israel was good with the externals all along but their heart was far from God.
The one God esteems is the one who is humble and broken over sin. They understand that it is only the grace of God that allows them to live. They deserve no special favor...they know they really deserve judgment.
But there is one other key ingredient: reverence for God's Word. Being a person who wants to learn from God and knows where to go to hear from God is key. The one God esteems loves His Word; listens to His Word; and obeys His Word.
When you stop and think of it, life is pretty simple and straight forward. If I desire God's "Well done, good and faithful servant" I need to focus on two things: cultivating a heart that is humble/contrite/teachable AND feeding diligently on God's Word. These are not that difficult to grasp and God is very clear about how important they are to Him. So why do I have so much difficulty with them?
"Lord, my marching orders are clear. These must be the focus of life."
Thankfully, the energy level is improving and the cold has not become too serious and hasn't resulted in a fever. I'm hopeful that my energy level will be stronger as we come to the weekend.
Spirit: Isaiah 66:2b "All That Matters"
Our God is a big God. He possesses all that is and deserves the very best. Many in Israel had gotten caught up in the greatness of the sacrifices and the pomp and circumstance of the Law. Certainly commendable, but worthless without the prerequisite condition which is identified in vs 2. Who does God hold in high regard and love? Who gets His attention? Who touches God's heart and brings Him joy? It isn't the one who gets all the details of the sacrifices right and the rest of the externals correct. Israel was good with the externals all along but their heart was far from God.
The one God esteems is the one who is humble and broken over sin. They understand that it is only the grace of God that allows them to live. They deserve no special favor...they know they really deserve judgment.
But there is one other key ingredient: reverence for God's Word. Being a person who wants to learn from God and knows where to go to hear from God is key. The one God esteems loves His Word; listens to His Word; and obeys His Word.
When you stop and think of it, life is pretty simple and straight forward. If I desire God's "Well done, good and faithful servant" I need to focus on two things: cultivating a heart that is humble/contrite/teachable AND feeding diligently on God's Word. These are not that difficult to grasp and God is very clear about how important they are to Him. So why do I have so much difficulty with them?
"Lord, my marching orders are clear. These must be the focus of life."
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tragic Miss
Body: It is Resurrection Sunday and what a day it has been. I've had the incredible joy of preaching God's Word. Specific prayer has been answered as I have felt strong and been able to think clearly even though my body is "coming down" from the steroids. The Lord has additionally been so good to allow me to have my girls home for Easter. What a wonderful day this has been and I praise Him for the breath of life.
Spirit: Isaiah 65 "Tragic Miss" (Easter Morning)
God could not be clearer in this text about the sad condition, the eternal loss, the wasteful choice that most of Israel has made. God will always have His people and if rejected by the Jews (vs 2-7), the Gentiles will not miss it (vs 1). God is not done with Israel; there will be a remnant (vs 8-10), but for the majority, those who reject God, there will be judgment (vs 11-12). The tragedy is brought out powerfully in vs 13-16. Then, on top of that, they will miss the New Heavens and New Earth. There's so much more to their loss than just this life. Look at the blessings missed in their stubborn, tragic choice: new surroundings, longevity, health, security, joy, fulfillment, prosperity, peace & safety. But here's the best one: vs 24, "before they call I will answer, while they are speaking I will listen." There is no greater blessing than to be near God and known by God. And they will be close to His heart.
A passage like this sure brings me back to the stark realities of the daily choices I make. I miss so much more than I think when I stubbornly push my own way and agenda. I think I'm making things better, more secure, more prosperous, more just and fair. I'm really walking away from blessing and close relationship with Almighty God. How tragic is this daily repeated mistake which causes me to settle for scraps when the banquet is just around the corner.
"Dear Lord, on Resurrection Day, I yield to the power of Jesus to cleanse and order and arrange my life, that I might KNOW You and be known as one who KNOWS You...and hears from You."
Spirit: Isaiah 65 "Tragic Miss" (Easter Morning)
God could not be clearer in this text about the sad condition, the eternal loss, the wasteful choice that most of Israel has made. God will always have His people and if rejected by the Jews (vs 2-7), the Gentiles will not miss it (vs 1). God is not done with Israel; there will be a remnant (vs 8-10), but for the majority, those who reject God, there will be judgment (vs 11-12). The tragedy is brought out powerfully in vs 13-16. Then, on top of that, they will miss the New Heavens and New Earth. There's so much more to their loss than just this life. Look at the blessings missed in their stubborn, tragic choice: new surroundings, longevity, health, security, joy, fulfillment, prosperity, peace & safety. But here's the best one: vs 24, "before they call I will answer, while they are speaking I will listen." There is no greater blessing than to be near God and known by God. And they will be close to His heart.
A passage like this sure brings me back to the stark realities of the daily choices I make. I miss so much more than I think when I stubbornly push my own way and agenda. I think I'm making things better, more secure, more prosperous, more just and fair. I'm really walking away from blessing and close relationship with Almighty God. How tragic is this daily repeated mistake which causes me to settle for scraps when the banquet is just around the corner.
"Dear Lord, on Resurrection Day, I yield to the power of Jesus to cleanse and order and arrange my life, that I might KNOW You and be known as one who KNOWS You...and hears from You."
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Prophet's Passion
Thanks for praying. Energy has been good and appetite is strong. I just have a cold head!
Spirit: Isaiah 62:1 & 6-7 "The Prophet's Passion"
As I read this chapter, the personal investment of Isaiah struck me with great force. He was set apart by God and called to be a prophet, often despised and rejected, needing to do and say whatever the Lord directed. But here his passion for this calling comes out so clearly. "I will not be silent." "I will not remain quiet." "You who call on the Lord give yourselves no rest." "Give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem." That is the soul of one who is not just performing out of duty but has immersed himself in that calling. He eats, drinks, sleeps, lives and breathes that calling. That is the man God chooses and uses for His purposes and glory.
How much passion is left in my tank? Am I content with "auto pilot" or is the fire still in the belly to seek God's blessing and work hard at being a church prepared for God's blessing to come? Is there drive to continue to preach, love people, challenge, be patient with and shepherd people? Am I committed to motivating people and disciplining/confronting God's people? "I will not keep silent." "I will give Him no rest until He establishes Calvary as the church He desires it to be."
"Dear Lord, I'm no Isaiah, but his passion stirs me deeply. Renew my energy and commitment to Your call on my long as You lend me strength and breath. Amen."
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