Welcome to "Hope Does Not Disappoint"

There are two key reasons I have finally decided to join the world of blogging:

First, my cancer has become active and there is a loving congregation and many family & friends who want to keep track of what is taking place. This provides a way for me to update them as often and with as much detail as they desire.

Second, the Lord often links Scripture with circumstances in life for a much more potent 1 - 2 punch. I have already found that to be true and I hope to share some of those lessons for those who are interested.

So almost every entry in this blog will have two parts to it: Body (what's happening physically with the treatments) and Spirit (what God is sharing as I open His Word).

Thanks for visiting. I hope some of the "Points Along The Road" in my journey are helpful and encouraging to you.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where we are today...

This is Andrea posting this time. It is hard to believe that it’s been 2 weeks since our last post. In one sense, it has gone so quickly and in another, it seems like a very long time, with the days running together. It’s been a blur of activity – radiation treatments, trips back and forth to the hospital, family visits, doctor appointments, some “complications”, etc. We were very happy to see that the heart complication which necessitated a short hospital stay was taken care of by a new medication.

Thank you for your continued prayers, cards, emails, gifts, offers of help, etc. which remind us that we are part of the family of God and He is caring for us in more ways than we could ask or imagine through this difficult time. We are so humbled and blessed by your love and prayers!

Dave enjoyed a wonderful visit with his brother and sister last week. It was so great for us to reconnect with them as distance and the “grown up children stage” of our lives has prevented us from seeing them very much over the last several years. This weekend, we are so excited to have all three of our girls home again! We are soaking in every minute! Then, this next week, Dave’s brother is flying in with his mom for a few days. It is a flurry of activity, but time that will be well spent and very much needed.

I’d like to be able to report that things are going well and Dave’s strength is increasing, but that isn’t the case. While the radiation has provided relief of the lower back pain, we continue to have a “roller coaster” ride of physical symptoms and, as a result, emotions. There are good days and bad days; then there are better days and really awful days. It has been difficult to fight discouragement, but we are continually reminded of God’s sovereignty and His love.

So the big question is, “How is Dave doing?” Physically, the cancer is spreading and causing many complications. His mobility has still not returned. Although the radiation has removed the cancer from the lower spinal cord/nerve endings, the doctor said that nerves can take a while to mend and it will probably be a while before he can stand/walk again. We are trying to work on exercises to keep the muscle tone in his legs.

The radiation and some of the meds he needs upset his stomach and he doesn’t feel much like eating. His weight is down, but we are pumping down as much good food in him as we can get, bits at a time. Some of the medication also impedes his concentration, making writing emails or having long conversations difficult for him. Recently, he started with some lightheadedness and dizziness, causing difficulty focusing his eyes as well as a nauseous feeling.

We thought some of the meds and/or low blood counts were causing this dizziness but both were ruled out on an MRI of his head this past Thursday. Results showed that there is cancer involvement in the brain. He began radiation treatment to the head the same day. This should help alleviate the dizziness and allow him to focus clearly without the world “spinning around him”.

Although it seems to us that we keep receiving more bad news than good news, we know that it is just the nature of an aggressive cancer. Unless God intervenes with a miracle, his condition will continue to worsen. Of course, we continue to pray for a miracle…but we also pray that God will give him grace and courage for each day and for minimum discomfort.

Spiritually, I have been reminded of these verses over and over again, “ ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’"

As a family, our “way” is that God would heal Dave completely. We have been praying for that and believing that God can do that! It seems, however, from the physical symptoms which we are observing, that God may have another “way” than what we’d like to see.

Does that mean He is not good and gracious and loving and kind? Absolutely not! It just means that sometimes we never will see what God is doing through His “ways” on this earth. But we know He IS in control and He IS working out His plan and He IS changing and transforming lives through all of this. We just may have to wait until we get to heaven to see how He worked through it all.

From a human standpoint, we may not like being the “instrument” that He works through or being the ones that He teaches lessons through BUT from an eternal standpoint, “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” To God be the glory….we pray that we will live our lives as a testimony to His great love and power. The road is difficult, but we know that God is giving us the strength for each minute of each day.

While we would love to visit with so many of you, Dave’s physical condition is too weakened to do that. His white counts are extremely low and so is his physical strength and stamina. Please understand if he does not reply/respond to emails or voicemails. Good days have become fewer and far between. But know that we are so uplifted by your words of encouragement and love and by your prayers.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer. We could not walk this journey without God’s help! Every day we are reminded of your love, encouragement, support and prayers! Thank you for taking the time to express this to us …. it is really appreciated!


  1. Praying for you all!
    Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here; trusting in my Father's wise bestowment,
    I've no cause for worry or for fear...
    Love to you,
    Lynette Nyberg Neave

  2. God Bless you all...you are an inspiration to all Christians and a living testimony to the unsaved. Louisa Fakhoury

  3. May God continue to keep you Andrea and Dave, we are thankful to be able to pray. We will pray especially for your girls and for Dave's mom as they travel to be near you guys.

    It was a special blessing to hear that you have a friend in Chris as the two of you walk a similar journey with Antonio and Dave. We love you much!!

  4. I'm praying for your whole family. Your testimony of faith in the midst of this fire will encourage many, and it brings God great joy.

  5. "Although it seems to us that we keep receiving more bad news than good news, we know that it is just the nature of an aggressive cancer. Unless God intervenes with a miracle, his condition will continue to worsen. Of course, we continue to pray for a miracle…but we also pray that God will give him grace and courage for each day and for minimum discomfort."
    -This was something I continually struggle with embracing as a widow of a cancer patient. We prayed consistently for a miracle that was not "delivered", and after my loss, it took me so long to understand that I would never understand, but that I had to embrace that this was our reality. Not our plan.

    My thoughts are with you as you push forth in whatever way you are directed.

  6. Our hearts hold you and our prayers are lifting you up to our Great God.

  7. Our prayers are with you brother. Hold on with the strength He provides. Harry (and Kathy)

  8. praying for you and thinking of the whole family so so often and always with so much love.
    mary shouvlin
