Welcome to "Hope Does Not Disappoint"

There are two key reasons I have finally decided to join the world of blogging:

First, my cancer has become active and there is a loving congregation and many family & friends who want to keep track of what is taking place. This provides a way for me to update them as often and with as much detail as they desire.

Second, the Lord often links Scripture with circumstances in life for a much more potent 1 - 2 punch. I have already found that to be true and I hope to share some of those lessons for those who are interested.

So almost every entry in this blog will have two parts to it: Body (what's happening physically with the treatments) and Spirit (what God is sharing as I open His Word).

Thanks for visiting. I hope some of the "Points Along The Road" in my journey are helpful and encouraging to you.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In Wrath, Hope And Tenderness

Body: Have you ever turned suddenly, walked into a low tree branch, and almost knocked yourself out? You stagger for a moment, wondering if anyone got the license plate number of the truck that hit you! Well, that's what the last couple of days have been like for me.

We had a great weekend at the wedding in Nashville. The family was together; the wedding went smoothly; and we traveled back safely, arriving about 12:30 am Monday morning. What a delight!

As a result of the over-the-top weekend, I knew Monday would be tough as I came off some of the medications (steroids). Wow! I didn't move too much (and didn't care to, either); slept a lot; and then slept some more. Talk about feeling "wimpy!"

Today was definitely better, but still challenging. On the medical front, today's blood counts were low but not too bad and the nurse was encouraging. I have the PET scan tomorrow and see the doctor on Thursday.

Thanks for your prayer support for me and my family. Definitely needed and appreciated!!

Spirit: "In Wrath, Hope And Tenderness" Jeremiah 23

You know what amazes me about God? It's the way He disciplines. In Jeremiah 23 we see a great example of His full dealing with rebellious Israel. There is firm, certain, harsh judgment awaiting Israel. Make no mistake -- God sees it all (vs 23-24) and He will judge (vs 12, 14b-15, 19-20). But notice how He begins the chapter with hope (vs 1-8). Here is the way it WILL be; here is what the True Shepherd WILL do. This is what God WILL do after judgment on the false shepherds and disobedient people. Also notice in vs 9 the sadness of heart in Jeremiah over these prophets and the message of judgment that must be given. His heart breaks for the people and he is overwhelmed by the Word of God he must deliver to them.

It is this mark of tenderness in Jeremiah and the message of hope from God that distinguishes Christianity from any other religion. God LOVES us, and I must always remember that in dealing with those created in His image and for whom Jesus died. People may do despicable and evil things, but anger and wrath must not rule my heart. Love must be at the base -- the love of God. It is only when I weep for those who are in rebellion that my heart is becoming like that of my Savior.

"Lord, You give stern messages in Jeremiah, but when I look closely, I can always see hope, mercy and love for Your people. Help me to remember and emulate. May my heart be broken for those facing Your judgment."

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