Welcome to "Hope Does Not Disappoint"

There are two key reasons I have finally decided to join the world of blogging:

First, my cancer has become active and there is a loving congregation and many family & friends who want to keep track of what is taking place. This provides a way for me to update them as often and with as much detail as they desire.

Second, the Lord often links Scripture with circumstances in life for a much more potent 1 - 2 punch. I have already found that to be true and I hope to share some of those lessons for those who are interested.

So almost every entry in this blog will have two parts to it: Body (what's happening physically with the treatments) and Spirit (what God is sharing as I open His Word).

Thanks for visiting. I hope some of the "Points Along The Road" in my journey are helpful and encouraging to you.


Monday, October 18, 2010

A New Chapter

Body: As many of you know, I am heading into a new chapter in this battle with cancer. It is the radiation chapter. I have had a lot of questions about this chapter and was able to have a meeting with my oncologist of the past three years today. It was a very helpful meeting for me and I share some of the details with you.

Chemo has taken me almost as far as it is able. There are one or two more things that could be tried, but this cancer is just very resistant to most of the chemos that are available. What was very encouraging to me is that the doctor spoke with the radiologist and has great confidence in his training and skill to do the work that needs to be done. Also, the doctor is confident that even though the cancer has grown significantly, the type of radiation being given will be broad enough to encompass the entire area affected. Also, thus far, the resistant cancer appears to be localized in a relatively small area so the radiation may be very effective in removing it.

Two prayer requests as I start this journey on Wednesday: first, pray that the radiation would be effective in destroying the cancer it is targeting. There are situations where it is resistant even to radiation. Second, pray that the cancer is truly localized and when destroyed doesn't "spring up" in another spot at another time.


Spirit: "Your Son Will Live" John 4:50
A distraught father seeks whatever help he can find for his dying son. The situation is grave and he has heard that the Man who is said to have turned water into wine some time ago has returned to Cana of Galilee. His home in Capernaum is not that far from Cana. It wouldn't matter if it was much further!! It couldn't hurt -- a last ditch effort to save his son -- so he goes to request a miracle of Jesus.

As this man pours out his heart to Jesus, he requests that Jesus come to Capernaum to heal his son. In His response, Jesus shares His concern with His growing popularity, "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders you will never believe." The crowds are looking for signs and wonders; Jesus is looking for faith.

Jesus finds just the right way to perform a miracle to meet the need of this man AND at the same time, grow the man's faith. Jesus says, "You may go. Your son will live." This wasn't the plan the father had in mind. Jesus was supposed to accompany him to Capernaum and heal his son. Now Jesus tells him to go home; that the son will live.
Do you see what Jesus has done? He has performed the miracle and at the same time challenged the man's faith. Will the father trust Jesus? The next sentence reads, "The man took Jesus at His word and departed." Faith grows in the father and his son is healed.

I really like the "son is healed" part of this story. I'm not as wild about the "faith grows" part...unless it is linked to the healing. Yet to Jesus, THAT is the most important part.

What has God been up to in this cancer? He knows I have cancer and that I desire healing. He could have kept this cancer from becoming aggressive. He could have healed me after one round of chemo. He certainly knows how unsettling the yo-yo of PET scan results is: bad, good, bad. Why isn't the radiation phase of treatment a "sure thing?" Do you see the issue? I'm just like that father. I keep pressing Him for the miracle. He keeps pressing for the trust.

So, will I "take Jesus at His word"? Will I exchange my priority for His? Will I trust Him and desire Him more than the miracle I seek? Will I exchange my natural desire of healing for His desire for faith growth?

Is my confidence based on doctors' prognoses, probabilities, skills, and treatment options? Or is it based on a look at the Savior's face knowing that He can heal -- no matter what the odds are?

The title of this blog is "Hope Does Not Disappoint." Hope is faith projected into the future. Do I really believe that whatever He plans will be right, satisfying, good, and pleasing? Yes, I do!

"Please, Lord, help me in my struggle to believe, rest and wait on You. May Your priority of faith development shape my focus on healing. Help me to ask well, but trust better!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Continuing to "Press On"

Thanks to so many who have been praying for me and my family today. It has been so encouraging to receive texts, emails, Facebook wall posts, etc. indicating that you have been standing with us in prayer. We continue to be grateful and in need of that prayer support.

Body: Today was the PET scan and blood test to see what progress I've been making in this cancer battle. The blood levels have risen slowly...nothing great, but slowly (I am definitely a "slow student"). The levels also explain why I still struggle with much exertion, climbing stairs, etc. The PET scan showed that the cancer is growing again. It is significantly larger than it was at the last PET scan, but a little smaller than it was two PET scans ago, when it really flared. It is definitely resistant to chemo and is determined to make life challenging. The good news is that it continues to be localized in my chest.

Radiation therapy will begin as soon as possible to contain it and remove it. I have an appointment for Tuesday with the radiologist and the process will begin. Also, I was told I'll get a "good dose" of radiation...meaning that it will be 4 - 5 weeks of daily treatment (5 days a week).

Certainly this isn't the news we were hoping for, but we are confident of the Lord's wisdom, love and purpose for our family in this process. To Him be the glory!

Spirit: "Great Peace" Psalm 119:165
Doesn't that sound good? Great Peace!! Not just peace, shalom, wholeness and rightness in every area of life, but GREAT peace. The picture in my mind is one of absolute stability, no matter what. This is an unflappable person -- no matter what comes their way. This is a person with awareness, perspective, confidence and a hopeful outlook. As the verse points out, "...nothing can make them stumble." That's stability!!

How do you get these things in a life? Are you born with it; is it a function of controlling circumstances; is it a matter of having deep pockets (lots of money) or right friends (in high places)? None of these can assure a person of great peace...or even peace! But what these things can't assure, God's Word can.

How can a book do that? It is Who wrote the book -- the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Always Present, Creator God. It is what the book contains -- only that which is truthful, reliable and trustworthy. And, it is how that truth, applied to a life, changes a man and focuses his heart. The result: GREAT Peace!

I have proven to myself again this week that I have a long way to go in letting that Word of God change me so great peace controls me. There are so many ways I get tripped up. When I think I have one area mastered, another blind spot surfaces. What is really frustrating is repeat courses. "I already took that course!" But it is back and I blew it...time to repeat the course. Praise God for His forgiveness and that the offer of great peace is never taken off the table.

"Lord, I want the rest of my days to be days of great peace. May Your Word do its work and may I willingly submit to it and You."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Press On

Body: This has been a great week for me. I didn't have to go to Yale for anything...and I didn't miss the trips or the IV's. It was a week to get some rest and get ready for today. I was able to preach this morning for the first time in several weeks and I was grateful for the strength and opportunity to do it. It was too long for a communion meditation, but people slept quietly:-)

While my stamina is still in short supply, I have felt better as the week progressed and my appetite has increased as well. Foods are starting to taste pretty good:-) Sleeping has improved, so I am generally doing very well.

Tuesday is the "big day" as I head to Yale for a PET scan, blood tests, and a meeting with doctors for results of the PET scan. I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare my heart for whatever news is shared.

Spirit: I must tell you that as I approach what I hope is the end of the chemo and a transition to radiation, I am so very grateful for so many who have offered great encouragement to me and my family. Some of those kindnesses have been huge; some have been small; all have been appreciated.

When the chemo was getting pretty intense earlier this summer and I was really feeling pretty lousy, a friend from many years ago mentioned the song, "Press On" by Selah in a Facebook post. I quickly did a YouTube search and found it. I have played it over and over again. I believe it is a powerful song which speaks of focused resolve. The Apostle Paul possessed it (Phil 3:12-14) and I pray that my life will exemplify it someday as well. Take a listen; I believe you will be encouraged and challenged: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bg2cJ5bw2k